Sunday, July 11, 2010

Happy 18 Years....!

Mom and Dad! Today is there 18 Year Anniversary so we headed down to Lake Geneva and went to the beach! Whooo Happy 18th!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Our Little GetAway!

This past fourth my parents took us to the Kalahari resort so we could have a nice little getaway at Madison and then the Kalahari in the Dells the next day! We had a blasT! Thanks mom and dad!!!!!

***Patrick was unable to go becuase of his sport so it was just the four of us!***

Just thinking......

Maybe a nice cutie sofy comfy Vera Bradley Bag would be just what i need for school this coming year! I am debating from pattern to patter! I dont want all of my patterns to be the same (i.e. not have 2 things of one pattern!-unless its a matching wallet or something as a 'set') Any ideas on patterns that would be somewhat 'all seasonal'??? Thx!


Sorry there have not been a lot of posts lately~just gotten too busy! So heres to a new set of blog posts! So Holla to summer 2010!!!